Nathan almost finished and then…

The biography on Nathan Tisdale is almost completed.  It has a few loose ends to tie up and then should go into the hands of an editor.  There’s some interesting peripheral history included, not only to help set the stage for Nathan’s life but to help with context.

Next will be the biography of Silas Butler.  We have his portrait and a great deal of personal information on him, so it may be a more involved project.

Progress on Nathan

Since my last, there has been tremendous progress on putting together the life of Nathan Tisdale and his family.  All of this has gone beyond anything published previously about the Tisdale family in genealogies, and thus far I am on schedule for publishing in the spring.  My hope of papers/letters by Nathan have not yet born fruition, so much of it has been by official documents and records… the side benefit is that, in my quest for accuracy, some local history is coming to light that had been long forgotten, or at least shoved into the shadows by other topics of local interest.  The towns of Lebanon, Norwich, and Bridgeport all come into play.

Next person in the focus…

Nathan Tisdale was the surgeon’s mate aboard the USS Connecticut.  I don’t have the extent of information for him like I do for others, but I’m trying to get a little volume of a bio done for him and out there.  What always makes this of keener interest is when a descendant reaches out with questions/information.  While I do have images for his father and brother, there does not seem to be a surviving image for Nathan, and this is true in most cases for these men.

Stay tuned on this, for I expect to get this done and published before the end of this summer… Now that I’ve already privately published Seth’s book.



The proof copy of Seth’s biography has arrived!  It is slated to “go public” on Wednesday, 10 April 2024 (just a few days from now), at which time I’ll post the link here and on social media.

Dr. Nathan Tisdale

Recently I was contacted by a descendant of Nathan Tisdale – a Cindy Hoffman.  She has some information that do not, she being of the family, and what I’ve posted is of value to her.  I hope to bring my of the dear doctor to light; I am grateful to Cindy for giving me a nudge!

Meanwhile, the church – Christ Church Episcopal, Norwich, CT – has closed its doors for a couple of years now.  The state of the building is in limbo, and I am unsure if they intend to sell it or consider reopening it as a church at some future date.  I dearly hope that if will no longer serve as a church, then some form of museum for the city, what with all the graves beneath the sanctuary.